from Dec. 1, 2011
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Polar Environment Data Science Center

National Institute of Polar Research

Joint Supprt-Center for Data Science Research

Research Organization of Information and Systems

Archive |
Poster : admin on 2012-09-20 10:39:34 (3364 reads)

The User Mannual for Meta Database is revised for Version. 3.

The main issues for modifications are;
- Add the "Data Polocy" item for each metadata field
- Link to "Google Map" for Observation Area field
- The other minor revisions, etc.

Poster : admin on 2012-07-26 14:26:54 (3345 reads)

"Spatial Coverage" for each metadata is inked with "Google Map" for display.

Poster : admin on 2012-07-24 11:44:58 (3674 reads)

Standing Committee on Antarctic Data Management meeting (SCADM-16 meeting was held on July 13, 14 at Portland, USA.

National reports from NADCs including Japan, together with SCAR Data and Information Strategy and their Implementation Activities are discussed.

Poster : admin on 2012-07-24 11:31:17 (2966 reads)

Three directors of the World Data System (WDS) under ISCU visited NIPR on May 25, 2012. And the Special Science Seminor is held.

Dr. David Carlson(UNAVCO, USA)
(Director of International Programme Office for the IPY 2007-2008)
<< Urgent Topics for Future Polar Research >>

Dr. Mustapha Mokrane (WDS-IPO, NICT)
(Executive Director of WDS-International Programme Office)
<< The ICSU World Data System Tackles IPY Data Challenges >>

Dr. Kostiantyn Yefremov(Ukrina WDC director)
<< Activity of WDC @ Ukrina >>

Poster : admin on 2012-04-18 10:30:51 (3354 reads)

User Mannual of the metadata portal sever is renwed.

2nd version (2012, March, 7,500KB)

Check the follwoing URL,

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