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Polar Environment Data Science Center

National Institute of Polar Research

Joint Supprt-Center for Data Science Research

Research Organization of Information and Systems

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Poster : admin on 2012-02-09 18:12:58 (3507 reads)

Dr.Mustapha Mokrane of ICSU’s Scientific Data and Information activities visited Polar Data Center of NIPR on 3rd February, 2012. He discussed with the staff of PDC as for the NIPR database, IPY management, as well as about cooperaiton strategy fo the newly established World Data System (WDS) under ICSU.

As Executive Director, Mokrane will head the WDS International Programme Office (IPO) from early March 2012, which is hosted by the Japanese National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) in Tokyo.

The Office is to manage and coordinate the establishment and operations of the WDS, and take responsibility for outreach and promotional activities, under the guidance of the ICSU WDS Scientific Committee.

Poster : admin on 2012-01-27 15:39:01 (3428 reads)

2012_JpGU; Union Session (U-01) "Toward a New Framework of Global Data Activity"

Session Scope:
Data in Earth, planetary and space sciences is growing in size
explosively, is becoming heterogeneous in nature, and is requiring
multidisciplinary interactions to related scientific fields and more
general society. As the importance of the data is increasingly stressed,
further efforts to use and publish such data in various ways are
expected for communications with general society. Database or data
center works in individual institutes have become more active; at the
same time discussions to make interdisciplinary cooperation or fusion
between databases, organizations, and data systems are strongly required.
While international unions, programmes, and bodies such as IUGG, IPY,
IRDR, WMO, UNESCO, etc., have been launching their own data activities
and/or are showing the interest in data issues separately, they are now
discussing or approaching collaboration with related activities. A new
programme, ICSU World Data System (WDS), was launched in 2008, where one
of the most important goals is to realize "system of data systems". In
November 2010 ICSU decided to establish its international programme
office (IPO) in Japan. This session welcomes reports and discussions on
domestic and international data activities, and development of system of
data systems and key technologies for international data sciences and
data systems, as well as it fosters and facilitates various exchanges
and mutual understanding between multidisciplinary science data
activities/programmes/institutes; also this session welcomes discussions
on activities and communities in Japan and how they can interact with
ICSU-WDS and other related activities to aim at the shared interests and

Poster : admin on 2011-12-02 16:51:29 (3415 reads)

- "Access counter" began from December 1st, 2011, on the top page of the metaDB portal server.

- "User registration page" is renewed. Please visit to,

Poster : admin on 2011-11-21 12:07:17 (2936 reads)

The state of IPY datamanagement: the Japanesecontribution and legacy

Diverse data accumulated by many science projects make up the most significant legacy of the International Polar Year (IPY2007-2008). The Polar Data Center (PDC) of the National Institute of Polar Research (NIPR) has a responsibility to manage these data for Japan as a National Antarctic Data Center (NADC) and as the World Data Center (WDC) for Aurora. During IPY, a significant number of multidisciplinary metadata records have been compiled from IPY- endorsed projects with Japanese activity. A tight collaboration has been established between the Global Change Master Directory (GCMD), the Polar Information Commons (PIC), and the newly established World Data System (WDS).

Details are referred to as;

Poster : admin on 2011-11-07 17:37:39 (3059 reads)

SCADM meeting, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 7-9 September 2011
July 20 2011

Fifteen up to twenty-five persons from seventeen countries are expected to attend the meeting. The agenda will follow shortly. SCADM members are requested to inform Taco de Bruin, SCADM Acting Chief Officer, whether or not they will attend the meeting.

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