地圏 => 地震・インフラサウンド
プロジェクト => 地圏
IPY => 地圏
概要についての項目 | |
タイトル | 広帯域地震計波形デジタルデータ(AGAP/GAMSEIS) |
サブタイトル | 東南極・内陸ドーム域 |
データ概要 | 「国際極年(IPY; 2007-2008)」では、東南極大陸の内陸域研究のコア・プロジェクトとして、氷床下のガンブルツェフ(Gamburtsev)山脈(南極大陸の最高地点「ドームA基地」周辺、標高4000m)を中心とする総合地球物理学的調査計画 (Antarctica's Gamburtsev Province; AGAP; IPY Project #147) が行われた。AGAPの主パートであるガンブルツェフ自然地震観測計画(GAMSEIS; GAmburtsev Mountain SEISmic experiment) では、各国が協力して東南極内陸部のドームふじ基地を含む広範囲に、広帯域地震計を数十点展開した。取得データの解析から、ガンブルツェフ山脈下の岩石圏(リソスフェア)構造や隆起メカニズム、ゴンドワナ形成過程、氷床下の基盤地形、地質構造等の解明が期待された。 |
観測についての項目 | |
観測領域 | |
観測点名 | GM07 (Dome-F), GM06 / AGAP - GAMSEIS |
観測期間/運用期間 | 2007 - 2015 |
データ取得期間 | 2007 - 2015 |
観測風景 |
US & Dome-F ice station by AGAP/GAMSEIS![]() ![]() |
データについての項目 | |
データ名 | 広帯域地震計デジタル連続記録 |
データ形式 | Digital records (MiniSEED format) |
データ取得サンプリング | 連続記録、40Hz, 他 |
観測機器 | 広帯域地震計(CMG-3T) 3成分、データレコーダ(Q330、Baler-5)、太陽電池・シール型鉛電池・リチウム電池・風力発電 |
サンプルデータ |
Map of POLENET & AGAP deoplyments |
公開についての項目 | |
データ公開方法 | http://epsc.wustl.edu/seismology/GAMSEIS/ Metadata/AMD : Digital seismic waveforms by portable broadband field stations, East Antarctica |
データポリシー | 国立極地研究所の共同研究に利用可能 |
データセンター(問合せ先) | 国立極地研究所 (金尾 政紀) |
kanao (at) nipr.ac.jp | |
関連機関 | Federation of Digital Seismographic Networks ; FDSN POLEr observation NETwork; POLENET Antarctica`s GAmburtsev Province; AGAP, GAmburtsev Mountain SEISmic experiment; GAMSEIS The Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology, Program for Array Seismic Studies of the Continental Lithosphere; IRIS/PASSCAL |
主な研究成果 | An, M., Wiens, D. A., Zhao, Y., Feng, M., Nyblade, A., Kanao, M., Li, Y., Maggi, A., Lévêque, J., Temperatures, inferred lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary, and heat flux beneath the Antarctic Plate, Journal of Geophysical Research (Solid Earth), Volume 120, Issue 12, Pages 8720–8742, doi:10.1002/2015JB011917, December, 2015 An, M., D. A. Wiens, Y. Zhao, M. Feng, A. A. Nyblade, M. Kanao, Y. Li, A. Maggi and J.-J. Lévêque, S-velocity Model and Inferred Moho Topography beneath the Antarctic Plate from Rayleigh Waves, Journal of Geophysical Research (Solid Earth), Volume 120, Issue 1, 359–383, doi:10.1002/2014JB011332, 2015 Kanao, M., D. Zhao, D. A. Wiens, E. Stutzmann, Recent Advance in Polar Seismology: Global Impact of the International Polar Year – Overview, Polar Science, Vol. 9, pp. 1-4, 10.1016/j.polar.2014.12.003, 2015 Kanao, M., Wiens, D., Tanaka, S., Nyblade, A., Toyokuni, G., Shore, P. , Tsuboi S., Heeszel, D., Usui, Y. and Parker, T., Broadband seismic deployments in East Antarctica: IPY contribution to monitoring the Earth’s interiors, Annals of Geophysics, 57, SS0322, doi:10.4401/ag-6379, 2014 Heeszel, D. S., D. A. Wiens, A. A. Nyblade, S. E. Hansen, M. Kanao, M. An and Y. Zhao, Rayleigh wave constraints on the structure and tectonic history of the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains, East Antarctica, J. Geophs. Res., Vol. 118, pp. 1–16, doi:10.1002/jgrb.50171, 2013 Lloyd, A. J., A. A. Nyblade, D. A. Wiens, P. J. Shore, M. Kanao, S. E. Hansen and D. Zhao, Upper mantle seismic structure beneath the East Antarctic shield from body wave tomography: Implications for the origin of the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains, G-Cubed (Geochemistry-Geophysics-Geosystems), Vol. 14, pp. 902–920, doi:10.1002/ggge.20098, 2013 Kanao, M., A. Yamada and G.Toyokuni, Passive Seismic Deployments from the Lützow-Holm Bay to Inland Plateau of East Antarctica: The Japanese IPY Contribution to Structure and Seismicity, Inter. J. Geosci., Vol. 4, No. 5, pp. 837-843, doi:10.4236/ijg.2013.45077, 2013 Toyokuni, G., Takenaka, H. Kanao, M., Wiens, D. A. and Nyblade, A. A., Comparison of global synthetic seismograms calculated using the spherical 2.5-D finite-difference method with observed long-period waveforms including data from the intra-Antarctic region, Polar Science, doi:10.1016/j.polar.2012.06.001, 2012 Kanao, M., S. E. Hansen, K. Kamiyama, D. A. Wiens, T. Higashi, A. A. Nyblade and A. Watanabe, Crustal structure from the Lützow-Holm Bay to the inland plateau of East Antarctica, based on onshore gravity surveys and broadband seismic deployments, Tectonophysics, In: B. Goleby, D. Finlayson and N. Rawlinson (Eds.), Special Issue on Seismic Imaging of Continents, Vols. 572-573 (2012), pp. 100-110, 10.1016/j.tecto.2012.01.014, 2012 Toyokuni, G., M. Kanao and H. Takenaka, Quasi-axisymmetric Finite-difference Method for Realistic Modeling of Regional and Global Seismic Wavefield - Review and Application -, In: Kanao, M., H. Takenaka, Y. Murai, J. Matsushima and G. Toyokuni (Eds.), Seismic Waves – Research and Analysis -, ISBN 978-953-307-944-8, Rijeka, Croatia, InTech. Publisher, pp.85-112, doi:10.5772/1400, 2012 Kanao, M., A. Maggi, Y. Ishihara, M.-Y. Yamamoto, K. Nawa, A. Yamada, T. Wilson, T. Himeno, G. Toyokuni, S. Tsuboi, Y. Tono and K. Anderson, Interaction on Seismic Waves between Atmosphere - Ocean - Cryosphere and Geosphere in Polar Region, In: Kanao, M., H. Takenaka, Y. Murai, J. Matsushima and G. Toyokuni (Eds.), Seismic Waves – Research and Analysis -, ISBN 978-953-307-944-8, Rijeka, Croatia, InTech. Publisher, pp.1-20, doi:10.5772/1400, 2012 Samantha E. Hansen, Andrew A. Nyblade, David S. Heeszel, Douglas A. Wiens, Patrick Shore and Masaki Kanao, Crustal Structure of the Gamburtsev Mountains, East Antarctica, from S-wave Receiver Functions and Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocities, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., Vol. 300, pp. 395-401, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2010.10.022 , 2010 Xinlei Sun, Douglas A. Wiens, Andrew Nyblade, Sridhar Anandakrishnan, Richard C. Aster, Audrey D. Huerta, Terry J. Wilson, Masaki Kanao, Meijian An, Crust and upper mantle shear wave structure beneath Antarctica from seismic ambient noise, AGU Fall 2011 Meeting, S43D-06, San Francisco, California, USA, 2011 An, M., Wiens, D. A., Zhao, Y., Feng, M., Nyblade, A. A., Kanao, M., Li, Y., Maggi, A. and Lévêque, J-J., 3D Lithosphere Model of Antarctica from Surface Wave Observations, 11th Inter. Symp. Ant. Earth Sci., PS18.9, July 10-16, Edinburgh, UK, 2011 |
Digital Object Identifier(DOI) | |
Creator | Masaki Kanao |
Publisher | National Institute of Polar Research |