Sience Field
Geoscience => Seismology,Infrasound
Project => Geoscience
Arctic => Geoscience
Overview | |
Title | Digital seismic waveform records by GLISN_Japan |
Sub-Title | Broadband seismic observation on Greenland ice sheet |
Data Summary | The Greenland Ice Sheet monitoring Network (GLISN) is an international, broadband seismic capability for Greenland being implemented through the collaboration between Denmark, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, Norway, Poland, Switzerland, and the USA. It is designed to monitor glacier earthquakes, which occurrences are reported to increase in this century. Currently there are about 30 seismic observatories, designated as GLISN contributing stations. Broadband seismograms obtained from these stations are archived and opened to research community through the Data Management Center of Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS). The ICE-S station has been maintained by US and Japanese team. |
About Observation | |
Spatial Coverage | |
Data Location | ICE-S, DY2G |
Observaion Period / Temporal Coverage |
2011 - present |
Data Period | 2011 - present |
Observation Photo |
ICE-S station photo![]() ![]() |
Data Details | |
Data Name | Teleseismic and local digital waveform records |
Data Format | Digital records (MiniSEED format) |
Data Recording / Acquisition Sampling |
Continuous recording, 100Hz, etc. |
Observation Instruments | Three-component portable broadband seismometer (CMG-3T), data-logger (Q330, Baler-5), solar panels & AGM & batteries, wind generators |
Sample Data |
Map of GLISN deoplyments in Greenland |
Publication | |
Publication method | |
Data Policy | Data are usable for NIPR cooperative researches. |
Data Center (Contact Person) |
National Institute of Ploar Research (Masaki Kanao) |
kanao (at) | |
Related Organization | Federation of Digital Seismographic Networks; FDSN POLEr observation NETwork; POLENET The GreenLand Ice Sheet monitoring Network; GLISN The Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology, Program for Array Seismic Studies of the Continental Lithosphere; IRIS/PASSCAL |
Scientific Results / Publication |
Toyokuni, G., Matsuno, T., and Zhao, D., P-wave tomography beneath Greenland and surrounding regions — I. Crust and upper mantle. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125, doi:10.1029/2020JB019837, 2020a Toyokuni, G., Matsuno, T., and Zhao, D., P-wave tomography beneath Greenland and surrounding regions — II. Lower mantle. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125, doi:10.1029/2020JB019839, 2020b Toyokuni, G., H. Takenaka, R. Takagi, M. Kanao, S. Tsuboi, Y. Tono, D. Childs and D. Zhao, Changes in Greenland ice bed conditions inferred from seismology, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 277, 81-98, doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2017.10.010, 2018 Toyokuni, G., H. Takenaka, M. Kanao, S. Tsuboi, Numerical modeling of seismic waves for estimating influence of the Greenland ice sheet on observed seismograms, Polar Science, Vol. 9, doi:10.1016/j.polar.2014.12.001, 2015 Kanao, M., V. D. Suvorov, S. Toda and S. Tsuboi, Seismicity, structure and tectonics in the Arctic regions, Geoscience Frontiers, Volume 6, Issue 5, 665-677, 10.1016/j.gsf.2014.11.002, 2015 Clinton, J. F., M. Nettles, F. Walter, K. Anderson, T. Dahl-Jensen, D. Giardini, A. Govoni, W. Hanka, S. Lasocki, W. S. Lee, D. McCormack, S. Mykkelveit, E. Stutzmann, and S. Tsuboi, Real-time geophysical data enhance Earth system monitoring in Greenland, Eos Trans. AGU, 95, 13-24, 2014 Genti Toyokuni, G., M. Kanao, Y. Tono, T. Himeno, S. Tsuboi, D. Childs, K. Anderson and H. Takenaka, Japanese Contribution to the Greenland Ice Sheet Monitoring Network (GLISN), Ant. Rep., 58, 1-18, 2014 Tono, Y., G. Toyokuni, M. Kanao, T. Himeno, S. Tsuboi, D. Childs, T. Dahl-Jensen and K. Anderson, The Greenland Ice Sheet monitoring Network (GLISN): Japanese-American Cooperative Field Operations and Preliminary Data Anamyses, AGU Fall 2013 Meeting, S51A-2315, 2013, Dec. 9-13, San Francisco, California, USA Tsuboi, S., Kanao, M., Tono, Y., Himeno, T., Toyokuni, G., Childs, D., Dahl-Jensen, T., Anderson, K., Continuous broadband seismic observation on the Greenland ice sheet under Greenland ice sheet monitoring network, IAHS-IASPO-IASPEI. IUGG Joint Assembly, S105PS.05, 22-26 July, 2013, Gothenburg, Sweden M. Kanao, S. Tsuboi, R. Butler, K. Anderson, T. Dahl-Jensen, T. Larsen, M. Nettles, P. Voss, D. Childs, J. Clinton, E. Stutzmann, T. Himeno, G. Toyokuni, S. Tanaka, Y. Tono, Greenland Ice Sheet Dynamics and Glacial Earthquake Activities, International Polar Year 2012 Conference in Montreal, 2A105-7, April 22-27, 2012, Montreal, Canada Kanao, M., S. Tsuboi, R. Butler, K. Anderson, T. Dahl-Jensen, T. Larsen, M. Nettles, P. Voss, D. Childs, J. Clinton, E. Stutzmann, T. Himeno, G. Toyokuni, S. Tanaka and Y. Tono, Greenland Ice Sheet Dynamics and Glacial Earthquake Activities, In: Muller. J. and L. Koch (Eds.), Ice Sheets: Dynamics, Formation and Environmental Concerns, ISBN 978-1-61942-367-1, Hauppauge, NY, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Chap.4, 93-120, 2012 Kanao, M., A. Maggi, Y. Ishihara, M.-Y. Yamamoto, K. Nawa, A. Yamada, T. Wilson, T. Himeno, G. Toyokuni, S. Tsuboi, Y. Tono and K. Anderson, Interaction on Seismic Waves between Atmosphere - Ocean - Cryosphere and Geosphere in Polar Region, Seismic Waves - Research and Analysis -, ISBN 978-953-307-944-8, Rijeka, Croatia, InTech. Publisher, pp.1-20, doi:10.5772/1400, 2012 |
Digital Object Identifier(DOI) | |
Creator | Masaki Kanao |
Publisher | National Institute of Polar Research |