from Dec. 1, 2011
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Polar Environment Data Science Center

National Institute of Polar Research

Joint Supprt-Center for Data Science Research

Research Organization of Information and Systems

The polar regions tell us about the Earth's history and present change of surface environment. This page introduces the information of several kinds of observed data for Geoscience.

Geology,Geomorphology,Meteoritics  : Total
Antarctic rock samples List and locality map of rock samples collected by geologists of Japan...
Quaternary fossil information near the Syowa Station Quaternary fossil information (radiocarbon age, location etc.) collect...
Bathymetric Chart of Lutzow-Holmbukta, (Antarctica) The submarine topography of Lutzow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica, was inve...
Seismology,Infrasound  : Total
Digital seismic waveform records by AGAP/GAMSEIS The Antarctica GAmburtsev Province / GAmburtsev Mountain SEISmic exper...
Digital seismic waveform records by GLISN_Japan The Greenland Ice Sheet monitoring Network (GLISN) is an international...
Inffrasound digital records at Syowa Station Characteristic features of infrasound waves observed at Antarctica rev...
Inffrasound digital records at field stations in LHB Characteristic features of infrasound waves observed at Antarctica rev...
Teleseismic traveltime and hypocentral records at Syowa Station Seismic observations at Syowa Station (SYO) started using a short-peri...
Teleseismic digital waveform records at Syowa Station Seismic observations at Syowa Station (SYO) started using a short-peri...
Teleseismic digital waveform records in LHB Field observations by portable broadband seismometers have been carrie...
Acitve source digital seismic waveforms by SEAL exprolation Deep Seismic Surveys (DSS) were carried out in 2000 and 2002 austral s...
Teleseismic digital waveform records at Baikal Rift Zone Temporary broadband seismic observations have been carrying out at the...
Gravity,Geomagnetism  : Total
Vector magnetic anomaly data obtained on board Icebreaker Shirase
Continuous gravity observation data at Syowa Station using superconducting gravimeters
Continuous gravity observation data at Syowa Station using a LaCoste & Romberg gravimeter
Sea surface gravity data obtained on board Icebreaker Shirase
Telluric current data at Syowa Station
Geodesy,Remote Sensing  : Total
Geodetic Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) data at Syowa Station
DORIS observation data (Syowa Station)
Satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar data

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