from Dec. 1, 2011
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Polar Environment Data Science Center

National Institute of Polar Research

Joint Supprt-Center for Data Science Research

Research Organization of Information and Systems

This page introduces the information of observed data from Governmental Institutions involving Antarctic science activities. Current topics chiefly target for observations as for long-term environmental monitoring in the polar region among global system.

Japan Meteorological Agency(JMA)  : Total 7
Spectral ultraviolet radiation observation Spectral ultraviolet radiation observation at Syowa station (SYO) was ...
Aerosols and solar radiation Direct solar radiation observation and atmospheric turbidity observati...
Surface ozone The surface ozone observation at Syowa station (SYO) was started in 19...
Ozone sonde observation The syowa base (SYO) ozone sonde observation is started in 1966. It pr...
Aerological observation The aerological observation provides the meteorological data (pressure...
Surface synoptic The Surface synoptic weather observation of the Syowa Staion (SYO) is ...
Total ozone observations and Ozone umkehr observations At Syowa station (SYO), total ozone observations were started in 1961,...
Geographical Survey Institute(GSI)  : Total 10
Continuous GNSS observation The 36th JARE (1994) set up an IGS point (SYOG) inside Syowa Station, ...
Fluctuation survey of exposed rock area
Control point survey The reference points to make the topographical map in the Antaratic re...
Leveling Leveling was conducted on East Ongul Island in order to detect the upl...
Absolute gravity measurement The IAGBN aims to distribute gravity points worldwide and construct a ...
Relative gravity measurement Gravity measurement in reference point of exposed rock areas
Geomagnetic survey As of the 47th JARE (2005), we have accumulated a total of 1,757 geoma...
Antarctic region topographical map Topography at a scale of 1:5,000 covering Ongul Islands including Show...
Antarctic region color photo Photographic image maps were drawn in conformity with the internationa...
Antarctic region satellite image maps Between FY 1981 and 1988, we prepared a total of eight satellite image...
Hydrographic and Oceanographic Department(HOD)  : Total 4
Surface water sampling Surface water sampling are carried out 2times a day with a bucket.Anal...
Ocean chemical analysis Sea water samplings with Rosette sampler are carrieed out with CTD ser...
Monitoring of marine pollution Surface water sampling with bucket are carried out fixed point and bri...
Tidal Observation In a Showa base, We perform fluctuations of sea level consecutive obse...
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology(NICT)  : Total 4
Ionospheric vertical sounding Perform ionospheric observation every 15 minutes and record ionogram t...
Riometer Ionospheric absorption of cosmic radio noise has been observed with a ...
HF field strength measurement The field strength of HF-JJY (HF standard frequency radio waves) trans...
Radio aurora records Auroral radar observations at Syowa Station have been continued since ...

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