from Dec. 1, 2011
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Polar Environment Data Science Center

National Institute of Polar Research

Joint Supprt-Center for Data Science Research

Research Organization of Information and Systems

This page introduces the information of several kinds of observed data for Umitakamaru.

Space and Upper Atmospheric Sciences  : Total
Meteorology and Glaciology  : Total
Geoscience  : Total
Bioscience  : Total
Zooplankton samples in the Southern Ocean, UM0809 (UM0809) Zooplankton samples were collected using a twin-NORPAC net (mesh-openi...
Underwater optical data during the cruise of TR/V Umitaka-Maru, UM0506 (UM0506) Spectral radiation, absorption coefficient, volume scattering function...
Underwater optical data during the cruise of TR/V Umitaka-Maru, UM0405 (UM0405) Spectral radiation, absorption coefficients, volume scattering functio...
Primary productivity and photosynthetic activity, UM0809 (UM0809) Primary productivity and phtosynthetic activity measured with 13C meth...
Primary productivity and photosynthetic activity, UM0708 (UM0708) Primary productivity and phtosynthetic activity measured with 13C meth...
Primary productivity and photosynthetic activity, UM0506 (UM0506) Primary productivity and phtosynthetic activity measured with 13C meth...
Primary productivity and photosynthetic activity in the Southern Ocean (UM0405) Primary productivity and phtosynthetic activity measured with 13C meth...
Fish samples off Lutzow-Holm Bay (UM0708) Fishes sampled off Lutzow-Holm Bay by RMT1+8 (8 tows at 4 stns), kite-...
Fish sample off Lutzow-Holm Bay (UM0506) Fishes sampled off Lutzow-Holm Bay by RMT1+8 (15 tows at 8 stns), kite...
Fish sample off Lutzow-Holm Bay and Adelie Land (UM0405) Fishes sampled off Lutzow-Holm Bay and Adelie Land by an RMT1+8 (34 to...
Underwater optical data during the cruise of TR/V Umitaka-Maru, UM0708 (UM0708) Spectral radiation, absorption coefficients, volume scattering functio...
Zooplankton samples in the Southern Ocean, UM0708 (UM0708) Zooplankton samples were collected using a twin-NORPAC net (mesh-openi...
Zooplankton samples in the Southern Ocean, UM0506 (UM0506) Zooplankton samples were collected using a twin-NORPAC net (mesh size:...
Zooplankton samples in the Southern Ocean, UM0405 (UM0405) Zooplankton samples were collected using a twin-NORPAC net (mesh size:...
Carbonate system in the Southern Ocean (UM0809) Concentrations of atmospheric and oceanic CO2 concentration were conti...
Carbonate system in the Southern Ocean (UM0708) Concentrations of atmospheric and oceanic CO2 concentration were conti...
Dimethylsulfide(DMS) and dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) concentrations, UM0809 (UM0809) Concentrations of DMS and DMSP measured with GC-FPD, purge and trap me...
Dimethylsulfide(DMS) and dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) concentrations, UM0708 (UM0708) Concentrations of DMS and DMSP measured with GC-FPD, purge and trap me...
lsulfide(DMS) and dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) concentrations, UM0506 (UM0506) Concentrations of DMS and DMSP measured with GC-FPD, purge and trap me...
Zooplankton samples collected by CPR (UM0809) Zooplankton samples collected by CPR (Continuou Plankton Recorder) onb...
Zooplankton samples (UM10-04 cruise)
Oceanographic data of the UM-10-04 cruise The CTD and nutrient data in the Southern Ocean. The data were obtaine...
Size distribution of suspended particles (UM0506) The size distribution of suspended particles was measured with an coul...
Metal concentration in atmospheric aerosols (UM0506) The metal concentration in atmospheric aerosols was measured with an I...
Aerosol optical thickness(UM0506) The aerosol optical thickness was measured with a sunphotometer. The m...
Raw acoustic data recorded by quantitative echosounder (UM0708) Raw acoustic data recorded by the quantitative echosounder installed o...
Raw acoustic data recorded by quantitative echosounder (UM0506) Raw acoustic data recorded by the quantitative echosounder installed o...
Raw acoustic data recorded by quantitative echosounder (UM0405) Raw acoustic data recorded by the quantitative echosounder installed o...
Ocean color remote sensing data received on TR/V Umitaka-Maru, UM0405 (UM0405) Satellite remote sensing data of the ocean color sensor, SeaWiFS, duri...
Dimethylsulfide(DMS) and dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) concentrations, UM0405 (UM0405) Concentrations of DMS and DMSP measured with GC-FPD, purge and trap me...
Zooplankton samples collected by CPR (UM0708 ) Zooplankton samples collected by CPR (Continuou Plankton Recorder) onb...
Zooplankton samples collected by CPR (UM0506) Zooplankton samples collected by CPR (Continuou Plankton Recorder) onb...
Zooplankton samples collected by CPR (UM0405) Zooplankton samples collected by CPR (Continuou Plankton Recorder) onb...
Surface seawater environments during the cruise of TR/V Umitaka-Maru, UM0809 (UM0809) Temperature, salinity, in-vivo fluorescence, chlorophyll a, nutrients ...
Surface seawater environments during the cruise of TR/V Umitaka-Maru, UM0708 (UM0708) Temperature, salinity, in-vivo fluorescence, chlorophyll a, nutrients ...
Surface seawater environments during the cruise of TR/V Umitaka-Maru, UM0506 (UM0506) Temperature, salinity, in-vivo fluorescence, chlorophyll a, nutrients ...
Underway surface seawater data during the cruise of TR/V Umitaka-Maru, UM0405 (UM0405) Temperature, salinity, in-vivo fluorescence, chlorophyll a, nutrients ...
Southern Ocean underwater optical data during the cruise of TR/V Umitaka-Maru, UM0809 (UM0809) Spectral radiation, absorption coefficients, volume scattering functio...
Ocean color remote sensing data (UM0203) Satellite remote sensing data of the ocean color sensor, SeaWiFS, duri...
Atmospheric aerosol number concentration(UM0506) The atmospheric aerosol number concentration was measured with an opti...
Optical properties of aerosols in the Southern Ocean(UM0405) The aerosol size distribution, the scattering coefficient and the abso...
Size distribution of water-insoluble particles(UM0405) The size distribution of water-insoluble particles was measured with a...
Size distribution of suspended particles(UM0405) The size distribution of suspended particles was measured with an coul...
Metal concentration in atmospheric aerosols(UM0405) The metal concentration in atmospheric aerosols was measured with an I...
Aerosol optical thickness(UM0405) The aerosol optical thickness was measured with a sunphotometer. The m...
Size segregated aerosol chemistry and submicron size distribution(UM0405) The size distribution of submicron aerosols were obtained for the crui...
The distribution of dissolved iron (UM0405) From 6 Jan to 15 Feb in 2005, we have performed observations of the co...
Acoustic data of quantitative echosounder (UM0203) Raw acoustic data recorded by the quantitative echosounder installed o...
Distribution of particulate organic matter (UM0708) Water samples from 7 depths (0-200 m) were collected by Niskin bottles...
Zooplankton samples collected by CPR(UM0203) Zooplankton samples collected by CPR (Continuou Plankton Recorder) onb...
Underway surface seawater data during the cruise of TR/V Umitaka-Maru, UM0203(UM0203) Temperature, salinity, in-vivo fluorescence, chlorophyll a, nutrients ...
Underwater optical data during the cruise of TR/V Umitaka-Maru, UM0203 (UM0203) Spectral radiation, absorption coefficients, volume scattering functio...
Primary productivity and photosynthetic activity in the Southern Ocean (UM0203) Primary productivity and phtosynthetic activity measured with 13C meth...
Fishes sampled off Adelie Land (UM0203) Fishes sampled off Adelie Land by RMT1+8 (8 tows), otter pelagic trawl...
Zooplankton samples in the Southern Ocean, UM0203 (UM0203) Zooplankton samples were collected using a twin-NORPAC net (mesh size:...
Carbonate system in the Southern Ocean(UM0203) Concentrations of atmospheric and oceanic CO2 concentration were conti...
Dimethylsulfide (DMS) and dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) concentrations in the Southern Ocean(UM0203) Concentrations of DMS and DMSP measured with GC-FPD, purge and trap me...
Aerosol properties and major gas concentration during Umitaka-maru 08/09 cruise (UM0809) The aerosols, anmonium gas and ozon concentrations of atmosphere were ...
Distribution of particulate organic matter (UM0809) Water samples from 5 depths (0-100 m) were collected by Niskin bottles...
Nutrient data during the cruise of TR/V Umitaka-Maru, UM0809 The concetrations of nitrate, nitrite, anmmonium, phosphate, and silic...
Nutrient data during the cruise of TR/V Umitaka-Maru, UM0708 The concetrations of nitrate, nitrite, anmmonium, phosphate, and silic...
Nutrient data during the cruise of TR/V Umitaka-Maru, UM0506 The concetrations of nitrate, nitrite, ammonium, phosphate, and silica...
Nutrient data during the cruise of TR/V Umitaka-Maru, UM0405 The concetrations of nitrate, nitrite, ammoniumu, phosphate, and silic...
Atmospheric DMS Data (UM0809) Concentration of atmospheric DMS concentration were continuously measu...
Data of primary nitrite maximum during the cruise of TR/V Umitaka-Maru, UM0809 (UM0809) The vertical distribution of nitrite concentration and the result of 1...
Nano, picoplankton, microzooplankton (UM0809) Water samples from 5 depths (0-100 m) were collected by Niskin bottles...
Nutrient data during the cruise of TR/V Umitaka-Maru, UM0203(UM0203) The concetrations of nitrate, nitrite, ammonium, phosphate, and slicat...
Phytoplankton species composition in the Southern Ocean (UM0809) Phytoplankton composition measured in the Southern Ocean. The data we...
Bacterial growth response to DMSP input in Antarctic waters using bromodeoxyuridine(BrdU)labeling techniques(UM0809) In this study, to determine bacterial phylotypes which are involved in...
Delta O18 data during the cruise of TR/V Umitaka-Maru, UM0809 The relative proportion of principal stable oxygen isotopes of oxygen ...
Oceanic velocity, temperature and salinity data(UM0809) Mapping of sea-ice production in the Antarctic based on heat-budget an...
ADCP data during the cruise of TR/V Umitaka-Maru, UM0809 Turbulence and micro-structure data in the Southern Ocean. The data we...
TurboMap data during the cruise of TR/V Umitaka-Maru, UM0809 Turbulence and micro-structure data (vertical shear of horizontal curr...
CTD data during the cruise of TR/V Umitaka-Maru, UM0809 Temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen Data in the Southern Ocean....
Acoustic data of multi-frequency acoustic system(UM0708) Vertical profiles of volume backscattering strength recorded by multi-...
Governmental Institutions  : Total

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