from Dec. 1, 2011
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Polar Environment Data Science Center

National Institute of Polar Research

Joint Supprt-Center for Data Science Research

Research Organization of Information and Systems

The polar regions have a significant global impact on both climate and environmental changes. This page introduces the information of several kinds of observed data for Meteorology and Glaciology.

Meteorology in the Antarctic  : Total
JARE-AWS dataset: Bias-corrected surface air temperature data (1993-2022) The bias-corrected monthly mean surface air temperature dataset obtain...
Radon concentration on the Antarctic ice sheet These are the radon concentration data observed on the Antarctic ice s...
Surface air temperature on the east coast of Lutzholm Bay, Antarctica These are the surface air temperature data observed at three sites on ...
Antarctic Syowa Station Doppler radar data These are the data observed by a X-band Doppler radar at Syowa Station...
Antarctic disdrometer data These are the data observed by a disdrometer at Syowa Station, Antarct...
Antarctic ceilometer data These are the data observed by ceilometers at Syowa Station and on the...
Hydrogen and oxygen isotopic composition in atmospheric vapor (on board the icebreaker SHIRASE) Continuous measurement of water vapor isotopologues (HDO and H218O) wa...
O2 concentration Continuous measurement data of the atmospheric O2 concentration in Syo...
CO2 concentration Continuous measurement data of the atmospheric CO2 concentration in Sy...
CH4 concentration Continuous measurement data of the atmospheric CH4 concentration in Sy...
Atmospheric minor constituents (at Syowa Station) With an automatic measurement system, the concentration of Ozone in th...
CO concentration Continuous measurement data of the atmospheric CO concentration in Syo...
Carbon and oxygen isotope ratios of the atmospheric CO2 Pure CO2 samples extracted from the atmosphere in Syowa Station were a...
Air sampling for archive Air samples are collected into Aluminum cylinders to archive.
Atmospheric minor constituents Airs are sampled into evcuated cylinders. Analysis of the halocarbon c...
Concentrations of greenhouse gases Air samples were collected into glass flasks for subsequent analyses f...
Subsurface circulation in the Southern Ocean with ALACmeta_data/PALACE floats This data set consists of ALACE (Autonomous LAgrangian Circulation Exp...
Satellite Quick-Look (QL) images, received at Syowa Station, Antarctica Satellite monitoring of Antarctic weather and climate is a long-runnin...
Antarctic aerosol OPC Continuous measurement of aerosol number size distribution in size ran...
Antarctic aerosol CN Continuous measurement of condensation nuclei (CN) larger than 10 nm a...
Antarctic aerosol BC Continuous measurement of black carbon (BC) is made using condensation...
Sky-radiometer measurement at Syowa Station (Antarctic POM) A sky-radiometer with a sun tracker installed at Syowa Station is maki...
Antarctic Micro-pulse lidar measurement (Antarctic MPL) Micro-pulse lidar (MPL, NASA upgraded SESI model) placed in Syowa Stat...
Antarctic Polarization Micro-pulse lidar measurement (Antarctic PMPL) Polarized micro-pulse lidar (PMPL, NASA model) placed in Syowa Station...
All-sky camara observation at Syowa Station, Antarctica Color digital image taken by an all-sky camera (Model PSV-100, Prede C...
Antarctic surface air Beryllium-7 (Period-1:2014-2017) Beryllium-7 concentrations in surface air samples collected over the c...
Antarctic surface air Beryllium-7 (Period-2:2020-2023) Beryllium-7 concentrations in surface air samples collected at Syowa S...
Antarctic radiosonde research campaigns data This archive collects meteorological radiosonde observation data condu...
Meteorology in the Arctic  : Total
All-sky cloud image measurement (Arctic ASC) All-sky camera (Prede, Model PSV-100) placed on the roof-top of Rabben...
Sky-radiometer measurement (Arctic POM) Sky-radiometer (Prede, Model POM-01, POM-02) placed on the roof-top of...
Surface Ozone concentration at Ny-Alesund, Svalbard With an automatic measurement system, the concentaration of Ozone in t...
Concentrations of atmospheric greenhouse gases in Ny Aalesund Weekly data of the concentrations of atmospheric CO2, CH4, N2O, SF6 an...
Micro-pulse lidar measurement (Arctic MPL) Micro-pulse lidar (MPL, NASA upgraded SESI model) placed at AWIPEV Sta...
Meteorology and Sea ice in the Southern Ocean  : Total
Atmospheric minor constituents (on board the icebreaker SHIRASE) With an automatic measurement system, the concentration of Ozone in th...
Partial Pressure of CO2 in the Air and Surface Sea Water With an automatic measurement system, the partial pressure of CO2 in t...
Sea Ice Thickness and Snow Depth Data by Shirase Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (JARE) initiated the ship-based...
Antarctic ship-borne ceilometer This is the ship-borne ceilometer data over the northwestern Pacific a...
Glaciology  : Total
Snow accumulation along the traverse routes in East Dronning Maud Land Snow stakes have been installed at intervals of 2 km along the travers...
Ice edge of ice sheet monitoring Air photograph of ice edge of ice sheet
Ice core data Stable isotopes, ion chemistry and dust data from the Dome Fuji ice co...
Surface mass balance (snow accumulation rate) at Dome Fuji The surface mass balance (SMB) at Dome Fuji, East Antarctica, was esti...

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