from Dec. 1, 2011
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Polar Environment Data Science Center

National Institute of Polar Research

Joint Supprt-Center for Data Science Research

Research Organization of Information and Systems

The polar regions are windows to see the space, solar winds and auroras. This page introduce the information of several kinds of observed data for Space and Upper Atmospheric Sciences.

Observations by the Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition  : Total
JAGUAR Data Assimilation System Whole neutral Atmosphere Reanalysis (JAWARA) JAWARA is a long-term reanalysis dataset produced from the data assimi...
Near InfraRed Aurora and airglow Spectrograph (NIRAS) @ Syowa Aurora and airglow spectral data in netCDF - Level-2, P1(2), P1(4), ...
Numerical substorm data Numerical data (coordinate data and variable data), information for gr...
Program of the Antarctic Syowa Station MST/IS Radar (PANSY) Mesosphere Observations High resolution 3D wind velocity data observed by PANSY radar (69.0S, ...
Program of the Antarctic Syowa Station MST/IS Radar (PANSY) ST Observations High resolution 3D wind velocity data observed by PANSY radar (69.0S, ...
Auroral Observation at Syowa Station Auroral morphological, dynamical, and spectroscopic observation have b...
Geomagnetic Observation at Syowa Station At Syowa Station, three kinds of geomagnetic observations are carried ...
Upper Atmosphere Physics Monitoring Observation at Syowa Station The Upper Atmosphere Physics Monitoring (UAPM) data consist of the mag...
Imaging Riometer Observation at Syowa Station Imaging Riometer (IRIO) observes temporal variation of the two-dimensi...
1-100Hz ULF/ELF Electromagnetic Wave Observation This instrument was installed by JARE-41 in 2000 to observe the electr...
Fabry-Perot Imager Observation at Syowa Station Fabry-Perot Doppler Imager (FPI) observes the two-dimensional distribu...
SENSU SuperDARN HF-radar Observation at Syowa Station SuperDARN (Super Dual Auroral Radar Network) radar observes the two-di...
MF radar Horizontal wind observation at 65-120km altitude over Syowa station, A...
DMSP satellite data received at Syowa Station Receiving system (Seaspace, TeraScan) for the DMSP satellites was inst...
Akebono satellite data receiving at Syowa Station Akebono is a Japanese scientific satellite, launched in February, 1989...
Unmanned magnetometer network observation The unmanned magnetometer network observation project started in 2002 ...
Polar Patrol Balloon (PPB) experiment The second campaign of the Polar Patrol Balloon (PPB) experiment was c...
International Cooperative Observations in the Antarctic  : Total
Upper Atmosphere Physics observation at Zhongshan Station Collaborative study on auroral phenomena at Zhongshan station between ...
All-sky Imager Observation at South Pole Station Based on the agreement with NSF, the monochromatic all-sky CCD imager ...
Observations in the Arctic  : Total
All-sky/Narrow FOV parallel Imager Observations in Northern Scandinavia
Digital beacon receiver observation We have started the digital beacon receiver observation at Tromso sinc...
Auroral spectrograph The auroral spectrograph consists of a large fish-eye lens (180-degre...
Near InfraRed Aurora and airglow Spectrograph-2 (NIRAS-2) @ Longyearbyen, Svalbard Aurora and airglow spectral data in netCDF - Level-2, metastable heli...
Near InfraRed Aurora and airglow Camera (NIRAC) @ Longyearbyen, Svalbard Aurora and airglow image data in netCDF - Level-2, 2-dimensional imag...
Conjugate Observation at Iceland Conjugate observation at Iceland started in 1984 as a collaborative st...
EISCAT radar The EISCAT radars enable us to obtain plasma parameters such as electr...

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