from Dec. 1, 2011
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Polar Environment Data Science Center

National Institute of Polar Research

Joint Supprt-Center for Data Science Research

Research Organization of Information and Systems

This page introduces the information of several kinds of observed data for IPY.

Space and Upper Atmospheric Sciences  : Total
Auroral spectrograph The auroral spectrograph consists of a large fish-eye lens (180-degre...
Digital beacon receiver observation We have started the digital beacon receiver observation at Tromso sinc...
All-sky/Narrow FOV parallel Imager Observations in Northern Scandinavia
Auroral Observation at Syowa Station Auroral morphological, dynamical, and spectroscopic observation have b...
Geomagnetic Observation at Syowa Station At Syowa Station, three kinds of geomagnetic observations are carried ...
Upper Atmosphere Physics Monitoring Observation at Syowa Station The Upper Atmosphere Physics Monitoring (UAPM) data consist of the mag...
Imaging Riometer Observation at Syowa Station Imaging Riometer (IRIO) observes temporal variation of the two-dimensi...
1-100Hz ULF/ELF Electromagnetic Wave Observation This instrument was installed by JARE-41 in 2000 to observe the electr...
Fabry-Perot Imager Observation at Syowa Station Fabry-Perot Doppler Imager (FPI) observes the two-dimensional distribu...
SENSU SuperDARN HF-radar Observation at Syowa Station SuperDARN (Super Dual Auroral Radar Network) radar observes the two-di...
MF radar Horizontal wind observation at 65-120km altitude over Syowa station, A...
DMSP satellite data received at Syowa Station Receiving system (Seaspace, TeraScan) for the DMSP satellites was inst...
Unmanned magnetometer network observation The unmanned magnetometer network observation project started in 2002 ...
Upper Atmosphere Physics observation at Zhongshan Station Collaborative study on auroral phenomena at Zhongshan station between ...
All-sky Imager Observation at South Pole Station Based on the agreement with NSF, the monochromatic all-sky CCD imager ...
Conjugate Observation at Iceland Conjugate observation at Iceland started in 1984 as a collaborative st...
EISCAT radar The EISCAT radars enable us to obtain plasma parameters such as electr...
Meteorology and Glaciology  : Total
CO2 concentration Continuous measurement data of the atmospheric CO2 concentration in Sy...
CH4 concentration Continuous measurement data of the atmospheric CH4 concentration in Sy...
Atmospheric minor constituents (at Syowa Station) With an automatic measurement system, the concentration of Ozone in th...
CO concentration Continuous measurement data of the atmospheric CO concentration in Syo...
Carbon and oxygen isotope ratios of the atmospheric CO2 Pure CO2 samples extracted from the atmosphere in Syowa Station were a...
Air sampling for archive Air samples are collected into Aluminum cylinders to archive.
Atmospheric minor constituents Airs are sampled into evcuated cylinders. Analysis of the halocarbon c...
Concentrations of greenhouse gases Air samples were collected into glass flasks for subsequent analyses f...
Satellite Quick-Look (QL) images, received at Syowa Station, Antarctica Satellite monitoring of Antarctic weather and climate is a long-runnin...
Antarctic Micro-pulse lidar measurement (Antarctic MPL) Micro-pulse lidar (MPL, NASA upgraded SESI model) placed in Syowa Stat...
Antarctic Polarization Micro-pulse lidar measurement (Antarctic PMPL) Polarized micro-pulse lidar (PMPL, NASA model) placed in Syowa Station...
All-sky camara observation at Syowa Station, Antarctica Color digital image taken by an all-sky camera (Model PSV-100, Prede C...
All-sky cloud image measurement (Arctic ASC) All-sky camera (Prede, Model PSV-100) placed on the roof-top of Rabben...
Sky-radiometer measurement (Arctic POM) Sky-radiometer (Prede, Model POM-01, POM-02) placed on the roof-top of...
Surface Ozone concentration at Ny-Alesund, Svalbard With an automatic measurement system, the concentaration of Ozone in t...
Concentrations of atmospheric greenhouse gases in Ny Aalesund Weekly data of the concentrations of atmospheric CO2, CH4, N2O, SF6 an...
Micro-pulse lidar measurement (Arctic MPL) Micro-pulse lidar (MPL, NASA upgraded SESI model) placed at AWIPEV Sta...
Atmospheric minor constituents (on board the icebreaker SHIRASE) With an automatic measurement system, the concentration of Ozone in th...
Partial Pressure of CO2 in the Air and Surface Sea Water With an automatic measurement system, the partial pressure of CO2 in t...
Snow accumulation along the traverse routes in East Dronning Maud Land Snow stakes have been installed at intervals of 2 km along the travers...
Ice core data Stable isotopes, ion chemistry and dust data from the Dome Fuji ice co...
Surface mass balance (snow accumulation rate) at Dome Fuji The surface mass balance (SMB) at Dome Fuji, East Antarctica, was esti...
Geoscience  : Total
Digital seismic waveform records by AGAP/GAMSEIS The Antarctica GAmburtsev Province / GAmburtsev Mountain SEISmic exper...
Inffrasound digital records at Syowa Station Characteristic features of infrasound waves observed at Antarctica rev...
Antarctic rock samples List and locality map of rock samples collected by geologists of Japan...
Quaternary fossil information near the Syowa Station Quaternary fossil information (radiocarbon age, location etc.) collect...
Teleseismic traveltime and hypocentral records at Syowa Station Seismic observations at Syowa Station (SYO) started using a short-peri...
Teleseismic digital waveform records at Syowa Station Seismic observations at Syowa Station (SYO) started using a short-peri...
Teleseismic digital waveform records in LHB Field observations by portable broadband seismometers have been carrie...
Continuous gravity observation data at Syowa Station using superconducting gravimeters
Continuous gravity observation data at Syowa Station using a LaCoste & Romberg gravimeter
Sea surface gravity data obtained on board Icebreaker Shirase
Geodetic Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) data at Syowa Station
DORIS observation data (Syowa Station)
Satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar data
Bioscience  : Total
Population change of Adelie and emperor penguins near Syowa Station Numbers of individuals and breeding pairs of Adelie and emperor pengui...
The Penguiness Book A scientific database of official records of dive depth and duration f...
Bio-logging data of marine top predators Depth, temperature, speed, acceleration, image data obtained from mari...
NORPAC Standard Net Samples NORPAC Standard Net Samples collected onboard icebreaker Fuji and Shir...
Zooplankton samples collected by CPR Zooplankton samples collected by CPR (Continuous Plankton Recorder) on...
Phytoplankton species in the Southern Ocean Species composion of phytoplankton in the Southern Ocean waters.
Database of animal specimens from polar regions Animal specimens from polar regions collected by Japanese Antarctic Re...
Polar plant biodiversity database Information on taxonomy and ecology of Antarctic mosses, lichens, alga...
Governmental Institutions  : Total
Spectral ultraviolet radiation observation Spectral ultraviolet radiation observation at Syowa station (SYO) was ...
Aerosols and solar radiation Direct solar radiation observation and atmospheric turbidity observati...
Surface ozone The surface ozone observation at Syowa station (SYO) was started in 19...
Ozone sonde observation The syowa base (SYO) ozone sonde observation is started in 1966. It pr...
Aerological observation The aerological observation provides the meteorological data (pressure...
Surface synoptic The Surface synoptic weather observation of the Syowa Staion (SYO) is ...
Total ozone observations and Ozone umkehr observations At Syowa station (SYO), total ozone observations were started in 1961,...
Continuous GNSS observation The 36th JARE (1994) set up an IGS point (SYOG) inside Syowa Station, ...
Fluctuation survey of exposed rock area
Control point survey The reference points to make the topographical map in the Antaratic re...
Absolute gravity measurement The IAGBN aims to distribute gravity points worldwide and construct a ...
Relative gravity measurement Gravity measurement in reference point of exposed rock areas
Antarctic region topographical map Topography at a scale of 1:5,000 covering Ongul Islands including Show...
Surface water sampling Surface water sampling are carried out 2times a day with a bucket.Anal...
Ocean chemical analysis Sea water samplings with Rosette sampler are carrieed out with CTD ser...
Monitoring of marine pollution Surface water sampling with bucket are carried out fixed point and bri...
Tidal Observation In a Showa base, We perform fluctuations of sea level consecutive obse...
Ionospheric vertical sounding Perform ionospheric observation every 15 minutes and record ionogram t...
Riometer Ionospheric absorption of cosmic radio noise has been observed with a ...
Radio aurora records Auroral radar observations at Syowa Station have been continued since ...

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